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It’s a jquery plugin for time that control the time with a structure like strftime with a high perfomance.

How it work

When you use jTimer for get time with a structure that contains second you run an interval of 1 second, but when you use it for get time with a structure that contain: (minute you run an interval of 60 second, hours ==> interval of 3600 second, day, month….).


npm install jtimer


npm test

Usage on Browser

<script src=''></script> // call jquery
<script src="jTimer.min.js"></script> // call jTimer script

Time format

%ss ==> Secondes 
%mm==> Minutes 
%hh ==> Hours 
%d ==> day(0-31) 
%dd ==> number of dayWeek(0-6)
%D==> day of week(sunday,Saturday...) 
%DD ==> short dayWeek(sun,mon...) 
%LL ==> mini dayWeek(su,mo...) 
%M ==> monthes(January,Fev...) 
%MM ==> mini monthes(jan,dec..)
%m ==> monthes(1-12) 
%y ==> year
// the default format output of jTimer() is : %D %d %M %y 
// the default language of jTimer is : Arabic 

jTimer Language

AR ==> Arabic
AR-GR ==> Arabic Gregorian
AR-MG ==> Arabic Maghrebic
EN ==> English
FR ==> Francais
AZ ==> Azérie 
DE ==> Deutch
IT ==> Italien
AF ==> African
ES ==> Espagnol
ID ==> Indonesian
PT ==> Portuguese
// Language propertie is a insensitive-case

jTimer Usage

$(document).ready(function() {
var dom=$(".heure");
}); // They will output the time in selected element

look here for demo

jTimer Add new language

$(document).ready(function() {
var dom=$(".heure");
monthArray=[],// define 12 month like an array by your language
dayArray:[],// define 7 day of week
shift:3// define how long it the short day of week and month (sunday ==> sun, january ==> jan)
}); // They will output the time in selected element


jTimer is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license